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Top 5 Tips for Disinfecting Your Office | How to Keep Your Workplace Safe

4 min read

K Garden


Easy-to-Follow Tips for Sanitizing and Cleaning an Office

These days, everyone seems to be exceedingly aware of how important it is to run a business that prioritizes office disinfection and office sanitation. Keeping a safe and clean workplace includes sanitizing the office often, installing multiple hand sanitizer dispensers for the office (and keeping them stocked with sanitizer), along with a few additional office cleaning protocols.

While office disinfection procedures may vary slightly depending on the size and type of businesses you manage, BuyDirect from Mission Linen Supply has put together a brief guide that should help managers and janitorial staff maintain a clean and healthy work setting.

1. Install Hand Sanitizing Station and Promote Handwashing

Having well-maintained and well-stocked hand sanitizing stations throughout your office ensures that staff has easy access to multiple hand sanitizer dispensers officewide. Furthermore, post signs around the office reminding employees to clean their hands with alcohol-based hand sanitizer throughout the day.

2. Employ One-Way Wipe-Down Protocols and Color-Coded Cleaning

Disinfecting Table Wipes

The one-way wipe-down method means always wiping in one direction and never “backtracking” while wiping down surfaces. If you wipe back and forth, you could be moving germs around from one area to another.

Also, a good tip when it comes to wiping surfaces down is to employ a color-coded cleaning system. This means using different color cloths for different spaces, such as bathrooms, breakrooms, doorknobs, workstations and open office areas. The color coding will help janitorial staff keep their cleaning cloths and other custodial items separate. This step helps prevent cross-contamination when disinfecting surfaces.

3. Prioritize High-Touch Surfaces for Cleaning and Disinfection


Clean and disinfect high-touch office tools and surfaces. There are frequently used surfaces many people touch, like doorknobs, as well as high-touch surfaces only certain people touch often, such as a personal keyboard. Overall, these surfaces include breakroom cabinet door handles, coffee pots (handles), computer mice, elevator buttons, faucet handles, handrails, pens, phones and more.

4. Stock Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and Cleaning Products

Keep a good inventory of personal protective equipment (PPE) on hand, which may include masks, gloves, disposable wipes and more. Also, make sure your office supply storage area is well-stocked with all of the necessary cleaning products your custodial staff needs, including (but not limited to) brooms, brushes and dusters, cleaners and detergents, hand sanitizers and dispensers , restroom cleaners and accessories and all of the other items required for sanitizing, office cleaning and office disinfection.

5. Post Handwashing and Office Sanitizing Guidelines in Multiple Office Locations

Last, but certainly not least, make sure you post handwashing and office sanitizing guidelines in several locations. Place these signs in areas where staff and janitorial services will be sure to notice them.

While your company likely already complies with all of the distancing and office sanitation rules mandated by local and federal law, it’s always a good idea to post reminders for everyone who spends time at your office to see — encouraging the continued upkeep of a safe and clean work setting.


Healthline: https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/true-superfoods