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Top Calculators for School, Work & Beyond

Top Calculators for School, Work & Beyond

Are you looking for handheld basic calculators for simple calculations, graphing calculators for advanced math operations, or desktop calculators for high-accuracy calculations and efficient data entry? There are many different types available to suit various uses and industries. At Buy Direct, we've got a huge selection of products to meet all needs. Our calculators are from leading brands in the industry, such as Canon and Sharp. Shop the range today and find out which calculator is right for you!

Types of Calculators

There are several different kinds of calculators available to purchase. Deciding which is right for you depends on the type of business and the intended use. While your average basic calculator is perfect for everyday quick math, printing calculators are superior for record-keeping and documentation. Here's a rundown of the different types of calculators:

Basic Calculators

Basic calculators are great for schools, offices, stores and anywhere else that basic calculations are required regularly. These calculators allow you to complete general math problems like addition, subtraction and multiplication. An example of a basic calculator that is lightweight and easy-to-use is the Canon LS555H Handheld Foldable Pocket Calculator.

Printing Calculators

The printing calculator, like the Sharp EL1197PIII Two-Color Printing Desktop Calculator, is a powerhouse for accounting duties. It's great at performing budgeting tasks, working out taxes and expenses, and in-depth cost analysis. The built-in printer and large buttons make them an essential addition for businesses like banks and insurance firms that need to keep a close eye on their books.

Scientific Calculators

You may remember scientific calculators from your school days. They're designed for more advanced numerical problems and come packed with a bunch of features that make statistics, trigonometry and other math domains a breeze. Check out the Casio FX-115ESPLS2-S 2nd Edition Scientific Calculator - it really packs a punch when it comes to tackling complex math.

Financial Calculators

Financial calculators are required for businesses that handle heavy economic calculations. They come with many features like formula, data storage and graphical displays which allow banks, investment firms and finance departments to evaluate, manage and plan their financial tasks. A great option if you're looking for a financial calculator is the Texas Instruments BAIIPlus Financial Calculator.

Graphing Calculators

Advanced features and functions for plotting graphs, creating statistical analysis make up graphic calculators like the Texas Instruments TI-83Plus Programmable Graphing Calculator. You'll come across these devices in universities, research facilities and software companies that deal with a lot of graph-based data.

Calculator Features and Uses

Different calculators have different features and uses, making them suitable for a wide range of applications, but let's take a look at some of common features of high-quality calculators:

- Basic arithmetic operations: addition (789+Back), subtraction (456–Ans), multiplication (123×M+) and division (0.EXP÷M-).
- Advanced functions: root calculations, pi values and superscripts.
- Memory capacity and precision for high-accuracy calculations.
- Speed and efficiency for fast data entry and calculations.
- Special features: rounding and calculation (±RNDAC=MR), squaring and percentage calculations.

Shop Various Calculators at Buy Direct

If you're looking for calculators loaded with the features and functions you need at an affordable prices, Buy Direct is your top choice. Take a look at a few of the different types of calculators we have on offer:

1. Sharp QS-2130 Compact Desktop Calculator

This diverse twin-powered calculator boasts adding machine logic and a solar powered battery with backup. It's got an easy-to-read display and automatic three-digit punctuation. The device auto powers off after seven minutes, helping you to save on power once you've inputted your basic calculations.

2. Victor 1205-4 Palm/Desktop One-Color Printing Calculator

As far as printing calculators go, this one is among the best! It's packed with features and is perfectly portable, with a large 12-digit display, included power adapter and color printing available. The device can hold standard size paper on a small inside roll so it's ideal for taking with you on the go.

3. Sharp EL-501XBWH Scientific Calculator

The Sharp EL-501XBWH Scientific Calculator should be in any student's school bag. If you're studying algebra, geometry or any other math topic - this device will make it easy with over 130 scientific and math features, a hard protective cover and an auto power down function.

4. Casio MS-80B Tax and Currency Calculator

This is a great calculator for all your tax and currency needs. It uses currency conversion mode and efficient tax calculations, has a large eight digit LCD screen and offers dual power for both desktop and portable use.

5. Texas Instruments TI-84Plus Programmable Graphing Calculator

This graphing calculator is preloaded with complex software like the Cabri Jr. interactive geometry software. It's got around 10 graphing functions and more advanced features available from the pull-down display menu. You can change the screen to be vertical or horizontal and it's also got a handy I/O port - allowing the device to communicate with other products from Texas Instruments.

Make Sure You Get The Ideal Calculator For You!

Browse the extensive Buy Direct range to find your perfect calculator! We stock every type of calculator to suit a wide range of individuals and businesses - from complex scientific calculators for students and mathmeticians to simple desktops and handhelds for everyday use. Check out our huge selection of calculators today and pick up a new device at a fantastic price!

Frequently Asked Questions

Still got some burning calculator questions? We're here to help! Have a look at some of the common questions our customers ask for expert advice on tips on purchasing calculators from Buy Direct.

What is the difference between a scientific calculator and a basic calculator?

Basic calculators can perform simple mathematic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Scientific calculators have more advanced features and can perform more complex math tasks like calculus, trigonometry and logarithms. This makes them ideal for higher level math classes and math-based work tasks.

Can I use a scientific calculator as a normal calculator?

Yes, you can use a scientific calculator as a normal calculator. These devices provide the same basic math operations as a general calculator, as well as more complex functions. However, you can't use a basic calculator to perform the same tasks a scientific calculator can handle.

What type of calculator do accountants use?

Accountants normally use printing calculators. This is because they can easily calculate taxes, add up expensded and perform budgeting and cost analysis tasks - thanks to the built-in printers, which are useful for producing the financial records, invoices and receipts that are vital in accounting jobs.


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