Clocks serve a couple of important purposes. There's the obvious time-keeping benefit they provide when you hang them in an office space. But you might also notice that a clock can serve an aesthetic function, too. When you hang a wall clock, it can really transform a space and augment the aesthetics and design of the office space around it.
So, if you're really focused on the finer details, you might want to hand a wall clock and achieve the ultimate feng shui. And the good news is that there are a few steps you can take to get this right.
If you're curious about this design approach, let's dive into the best steps to follow when hanging a wall clock for the ultimate feng shui.
3 Hardware Elements for Hanging Wall Clocks in an Office
You're going to need to know which hardware elements to choose when hanging wall clocks in an office, and there are a few options you'll want to choose from. So, whether you have a heavy clock or have chosen a model from a few lighter clocks, you may want to choose between the hardware elements below .
Adhesive Hooks
With adhesive hooks, such as some of those in the Command General Purpose Hooks product, you'll easily be able to hang a wall clock in an office without drilling into a brick wall. Many hooks like these, as indicated by the name, contain an adhesive substance that you just need to apply to the back of the clock.
You'll then need to clean the wall with rubbing alcohol to ensure there is no dust that limits adhesion. Once you've applied the strips, select the spot, press the clock with the strips onto the wall, and hold it for 30 seconds.
Plastic Anchor Elements
Using a wall anchor is an ideal solution for hanging a wall clock on a wall that lacks sufficient structure. These cone-shaped hardware pieces are available in plastic or metal, and manufacturers designed them to fit into the wall before inserting the nail or affixing a screw by tightening the screw head.
You simply need to tap a small hole into the wall (the hole needs to be smaller than the anchor itself). Then you can use a Philips head screwdriver to screw the anchor into the wall. Make sure the anchor head aligns with the wall. And finally, you'll need to screw a metal screw into the plastic anchor and hang the clock onto the screw.
Picture Hook
A variety of picture hanger and hook products can help you hang a wall clock with minimal holes in the wall. With options such as the products that feature a slanted nail with a hook, you just need to make a pencil mark where you need to place the hook and hammer the nail into the spot where you want to hang the clock. You can then place the clock on the wall, and the picture hook will support the clock's weight

4 Office Wall Clock Models to Consider
So many clocks are available with a range of designs that can align with different office aesthetics and designs. It doesn't matter if your office gives off a traditional vibe or is slightly more modern, you'll find the right wall clock model that aligns with your space. If you've not yet found the right one, check out the options below.
#1 Universal Brushed Aluminum Wall Clock
For those modern-looking offices, the Universal Brushed Aluminum Wall Clock can look stunning and augment contemporary design features around it. This model has a wide profile aluminum frame and large bold numerals in a contemporary font or design that's easy to read. Since it also features a quartz movement feature, it keeps time accurately.
#2 Howard Miller Gallery Wall Clock
Trying to find a large wall clock for your office space? The Howard Miller Gallery wall Clock is a big clock measuring 16 inches in diameter. Since this is large, employees can easily read the time from a distance. The numbers are also large and displayed in bold print, while the case makes the clock stand out as a key focal point.
#3 Howard Miller Chronicle Wall Clock with LCD Inset
If you're looking for a way to enhance time management within your office, the Howard Miller Chronicle Wall Clock with an LCD Inset is perfect. The inset displays the day, month, and date in a digital format so employees will always be able to manage their time effectively. It comes with a modern design that's ideal for enhancing the contemporary elements in your office.
#4 Universal Whisper Quiet Clock
Need to enhance the level of concentration within the office space? The Universal Whisper Quiet Clock features a second hand that functions using a silent sweep movement and eliminates the ticking sound. It can provide the perfect environment for employees to concentrate throughout the working day. This model also has a modern style and large numerals that are easy to read, which makes timekeeping easier.
3 Tips for Hanging Wall Clocks for the Ultimate Feng Shui
Now that you've got a few wall clock models, you'll want to know how to hang the clock and achieve the ultimate feng shui . As stated by National Geographic , the ancient Chinese practice is now used in modern times by people all over the world to decorate their homes and offices, since it improves the flow of chi or positive life force. So, to help you achieve this, we've got three handy tips. Check those out just below.
Consider the North or East Walls
Whether you have a home office or an office in a workplace, we advise hanging a clock on a north or east wall. According to Feng Shui principles, this can enhance your employees' productivity by creating a harmonious environment and augmenting the positive energy flow within the office space.
Make the Clock a Subtle Focal Point
With the clock as the subtle focal point, you can minimize distractions for employees who need to keep track of time. Doing this requires you to have one main clock on the wall with a few design elements that attract attention to the clock. You can ensure it is easy to read and aligns with the size of the workspace to gently guide your employees' attention to the clock.
Place the Clock at Eye Level or Below
In terms of placement, you'll also need to avoid hanging the wall clock too high or too low. Not only does this make employees strain their necks when trying to read the time, but it makes the energy within the room flow in an unusual pattern and offset the balance of the room's interior design.
Find Office Clocks at BuyDirect and Hang them Perfectly for Ultimate Feng Shui
Picking an office clock is more than just looking at the functional benefits. It involves thinking about the aesthetics and the way it can transform your office space. If you're looking for ways to select and hang it perfectly, we've got a wide selection of office clocks and hardware elements right here at BuyDirect. This can augment your office design and help you achieve the ultimate feng shui.
Get started on the browsing process today. Discover the perfect clock at BuyDirect and hang it proudly in the perfect spot within your office space.
Got more questions on your mind about hanging wall clocks and feng shui? Here are some FAQs with more facts.
Which Feng Shui Clock Placements Should I Avoid?
In the context of a workspace, you shouldn't place a wall clock directly over an employee's head. This doesn't align with feng shui principles and makes it difficult to see the clock. You should also avoid placing the clock in front of a doorway, as this disrupts the balance of the aesthetics within the room.
Where is the Best Place to Hang a Clock?
This tends to be at eye level. It's always best to ensure that the clock is easy to see, so, when in doubt, prioritize hanging the clock at eye level. Taking this approach ensures all co-workers can check the time no matter where they are within the room.
How Big Should a Wall Clock Be?
For those smaller options, you should consider a clock that measures approximately 8.5 inches. If you're interested in a medium-sized clock, this may include options that measure between 12 and 14 inches. But you might want to get an even larger clock, and these tend to measure more than 24 inches.